Getting Your Disability Benefits Back After You Lost Them

Posted on: 28 November 2016

Once you have Social Security disability benefits, you can remain on disability indefinitely or you can return to work. If you choose to return to work, you have to be very careful about the sum of money you make every month, or you could lose your benefits. If you lose your benefits because SSA now considers you "gainfully employed" and therefore no longer disabled, it may be even more difficult for you to regain your disability benefits in the future.
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Some Important Things to Know About Personal Injury Cases

Posted on: 3 November 2016

If you have experienced the death of a loved one due to an accident, you might be considering filing a wrongful death suit. This is a good way to send a strong message that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated, and to get some restitution for your pain and suffering. Here are some things you need to know about filing a wrongful death lawsuit. 1. Recognize the Difference Between Civil and Criminal Courts
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Three Tips To Protect Your Loved One From Nursing Home Abuse

Posted on: 13 October 2016

If you have put your elderly parent or grandparent in a nursing home, you have to be mindful that while the nursing home may have appeared to be perfect the first day you took a tour, that doesn't always mean that it is perfect. In fact, there could even just be one staff member that is abusive and not helpful towards your elderly parent or grandparent. This means that not only are you not getting what you have paid for, but your parent or grandparent is not being treated with the respect that they deserve.
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Want To Get The Most Out Of Your Divorce Attorney And Get The Most From Your Divorce? Here's How

Posted on: 26 September 2016

Ivana Trump is credited with saying, "Don't get mad, darling, get everything." While that may work for the rich and famous, it does not work quite so well for the lower class and the middle class. In fact, it might work in reverse for you, simply because you could be viewed as immature or vengeful. Then there is also the question of your divorce attorney. He or she should have the years of experience needed to help you through a potentially long divorce process.
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